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Can Wild Animals in the Attic Give Your Pets Fleas?

One of a homeowner’s worst nightmares is finding their home has been invaded by an uninvited wild animal or rodent. Certain animals can stay in the house for some time undetected and could lead to health concerns as well as destruction of property, especially if their numbers multiply quickly as is the case with mice and rats. There are several types of wild animals that can infest your home or your commercial building. The most common Naples animals that might be found inside your property are squirrels and raccoons. You will know your house is infested when you start hearing noises above your ceiling. These rodents will not only cause damage to your house but can also cause a flea outbreak.

What are the types of insects that can be passed to your pets?
Raccoons and squirrels are both destructive to you and your pets. They are very similar to dogs and cats, and their fleas are transferrable to your pets. There are probably fleas in your home because these wild animals created a shelter in your attic. Some types of insects that can be passed to your Florida animals are:
• Lice and ticks: these are wingless insects that feed on blood. They can be seen on both mammals and reptiles.
• Roundworms: these are infectious when inhaled. They come from Naples raccoon feces.
How can you get rid of raccoons or squirrels and their fleas?
There are many ways to eradicate raccoons without hurting them. Once you remove them from your home, you can later find ways to remove the fleas. In order to remove them from your attic, you must:
• Trap the animals and relocate them where they can’t get back in.
• Set up a one-way door so that once they exit your attic, they will have no other way in.
• Remove all entry holes that can be used by the Florida raccoons to break in.
• Clean the attic to kill the fleas present in the area and to prevent further infestation of your home.
• Use insecticides to kill remaining fleas.
• Ask a professional to conduct fogging in the area.

How do you treat your infected pets?
There are numerous products that treat infected pets, and these can be in the form of a spray, shampoo or orally taken medicines. Here are some types of treatments that you can use to cure your flea-infected pet:
• Use flea and tick shampoos that are available in the market. These kinds of shampoos are most effective when you use it on the entire body and leave it for about 15 minutes.
• Use flea combs after bathing your pet to remove fleas.
• Spray products and oral medicines should be prescribed by a professional to be more effective.

How do you prevent fleas from wild animals?
In order for you to permanently eradicate fleas inside and outside your house, make sure you clean your environment regularly. Wild animals should also be excluded by creating fences around your house. If Naples wild animals are no longer controllable and have become more destructive, you can always contact a professional for help.

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Can Wild Animals in the Attic Give Your Pets Fleas?